I read romance novels. Yes, I do, and I'm not ashamed. In the past, I've felt the need to justify myself, and so I've said things like, "I only read romance novels when I have nothing else to read" and "I don't know why I'm reading this" or "I didn't know it was a romance at first, but now I have to finish it" or even "I always skip the sex scenes." No longer. I read romance novels- so what? I read historicals, inspirationals, straight-up trashies, supernaturals, and suspensefuls. Yes, I read the sex scenes. Yes, I read the rest of the book, too. My favorites are the historical western romances and the supernaturals. I enjoy reading about simpler times and impossible times.
I want to be that oldtime schoolteacher who's swept away by the rugged rancher. I want to be the heroine riding a horse across a prairie. I want to be saved by an Indiana Jones-type. On the other hand, I want to be the kickass vampire slayer or the werecat or witch. Some days I want to be the dirty wench who is passed around the pirate ship. I want to live in the world where all men really enjoy going south.
Romance novels are meant to make the reader feel good. They have happy endings. Some romance novels make me laugh out loud, and some make me cry. No matter what, there is always a resolution in the end.
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