Friday, September 12, 2014

Iffity If

If If If If Only . . . . .

If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you want to remain?
- I must say that 21 sounds good to me.  My body was still firm in all the right places.  I could smoke and drink if I wanted.  Best of all, that's a good age to try new things, explore, and have fun.

If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent in one of the arts, what would it be?
- Music.  I'd like to have the talent of playing the guitar and piano expertly and easily.  This would not just be for my benefit.  I would try to be a music therapist, healing people with music.  Or I'd volunteer at various places like nursing homes.  I'm not sure about using the talent to be famous; there are several drawbacks to that.

If you could be guaranteed one thing in life besides money, what would you ask for?
- Oh, Genie, please grant me a life partner.  Money is no fun without someone to share it with.  Life is no fun alone, even for a loner like me.  Let this life partner be not perfect, but perfect for ME.

If you could have any one specific power over other people, what would it be?
- Telepathy.  I am sooo curious all the time.  I want to know what people are thinking, and not just people close by.  I want to be able to think of a person and be able to hear his or her thoughts.  I just WANT to know.  What DO other people think about?

If you could become famous for something you don't currently do,what would it be?
- Writing.  I've always wanted to write books and be a published author.  It's my lifelong dream.  I used to write all the time, short stories just for fun. But to come up with an original idea and be able to express it in a book format would be my greatest accomplishment.

If you could spend one year alone in the wilderness, where would you go?
- Maybe the Ozark mountains.  Maybe I'd hike the Pacific Trail.  Maybe I'd just rent a cabin somewhere in a sparsely populated area of Colorado or Oregon or Alaska.

If you could bring back any past leader of your country, who would it be?
- Bill Clinton.  Say what you want about his personal life, but at least he managed to keep the country out of debt.  He also gave excellent speeches, which is a quality we haven't seen since he left office.

If you had to choose the most valuable thing you ever learned, what would it be?
- TELL THE TRUTH.  I am brutally honest, and I expect others to be honest with me.  I despise liars and cheats and fakers.  I lose more friends because of my total honesty than because of anything else, but I don't care.  Just tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

If you could have a song written about you, what musician would you want to compose it, who would perform it, and what would it be called?
- Maybe a collaboration between Ani Difranco and Beck, possibly in the style of "Debra."  But of course the title would have something to do with me.

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