1) My husband. He is my rock. He makes me laugh. He has a cute tushy, and his arms . . . .
Anyway. He works super hard at a thankless job where he could be injured at any moment, and for which he has not been given a raise in 8 years. This dude is mine. I live for this dude. And he lives for me. We've been together for 10 years, and we want to see at least 10 more.
2) My boys. I remember being pregnant with my first baby, and I was just so in love with our cat, OB. OB was a kitten growing up while I was pregnant with Tyger, and I was constantly rubbing OB, cuddling him, petting him, and giving him all the love I had in my heart. I actually remember telling Troy that I was worried about having any love left over for the new baby. But when I first got to see Tyger, and hold him, it was love at first sight. My heart was full to bursting. I was afraid to touch him at first, but I got over that. And when I got pregnant with Cougar, I didn't think I would have any room left in my heart for him. But guess what? I got out of my bed the day after having a C-section, and got myself checked out of the hospital so I could go see him. And when I finally saw him, it was love at first sight, too. My family was complete. I would be lost without them, and they continue to be the reason I get out of bed every day. I just cannot stand to let them down in any way. When they are sad, I am sad. They made me a mom.
3) I am alive, and at the moment I can use all of my bodily appendages. I may be in pain, I may have some undiagnosed disease to add to all the other stuff that's wrong with me, but I am alive.
4) I have shelter. I live in an okay house, with 3 bedrooms. I have running water and electricity. I have a bed to sleep in.
5) I have plenty of clothes to wear for all seasons, and I do not buy new unless some clothing item becomes irreparable. I also have plenty of shoes for all occasions.
6) My grandma is still my best friend. She is a huge part of my life. I think about her every day and I wonder what she would do in certain situations. Like, "Would Grandma be happy or sad if I made this decision?" I am always wondering about what Grandma would do. I love my grandma more than I can express. SHE IS LOVE.
7) My parents. I know I am lucky to have them. They raised me, taught me everything they thought I should know before I flew the coop.
My mom taught me how to use a potty, she taught me how to eat, she taught me how to dress myself, how to brush my teeth and hair, how to shave my legs, and what to do when Aunt Flo came for a visit. She also showed me by example that it is okay to show your feelings. It is okay to cry, it is okay to laugh. She also showed me by example that it is so much more fun to let yourself become immersed in a book or movie. Feel free to FEEL. She taught me to cook meals for the family when I was 13. Unsupervised, I made most of the family's meals until I got a job at age 16.
My dad is truly a treasure in my life, because he is always there when I need him. He taught me to drive, automatic and stick. He tried to teach me to change a tire. He took me to get my first car an oil change, so that I would know what to expect. And I always filled my own gas. When I was a kid, my dad would rub my back until I fell asleep. My dad taught me everything I know about computers. He gave me my love for Star Wars, ELO, and sci-fi books. My dad is whom I call when I have any kind of question because he knows everything.
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