25 random things about me.
1. I have 2 beautiful boys: Tyger and Cougar.
2. I love to read. It is my favorite thing to do. I mostly read murder mysteries and supernatural fiction, but I also enjoy a good romance or sci-fi. I love Piers Anthony's non-Xanth stand-alone books, everything Laurell K. Hamilton writes, Jennifer Crusie's romantic suspense, and of course Nora Roberts- to name a few.
3. I am on my 11th job since turning 16. In order from first to current: Dairy Queen, Hastings, American Greetings, Hobby Lobby warehouse, Kirby, Fabricut warehouse, Wal-Mart(2), Popeye's, JC Penney, Walmart again, AG again.
4. I have 8 tattoos. Flower armband, frog prince, cute dragon, peace man, little turtle, tiger, cougar, butterfly.
5. I can drive a stick.
6. I was born with red hair.
7. I do my own taxes every year.
8. I am married to a man 11 years older than myself. To put this in perspective, he graduated high school in 1991 and I graduated in 2002. It's really spooky how much alike we are, considering how differently we were raised.
9. My mom is my best friend besides my husband and Rachael. She has always been there for me, no matter what. She understands me and encourages me. We've had several adventures together that have brought us closer. She even drove me to Texas to get my first tattoo even though she didn't approve! and she ended up getting one, too.
10. I have an incurable disease that causes bone deposits to grow in my right jaw area. It's called myositis ossificans and it's very rare for it to appear in the jaw. I've had several surgeries, including the removal of my entire right jaw joint- that one made my face look uneven, but oh well. Now I have a completely artificial right jaw joint. Titanium, baby.
11. I have a huge sweet tooth. It's mostly donuts, cookies, muffins, brownies, and cinnamon rolls that do me in. I am trying to lose the baby weight, but I keep CRAVING that stuff. I really can't help myself.
12. I haven't had a vacation in almost 13 years. I usually end up spending my paid time off from work in the hospital having surgeries or having babies.
13. For my first baby: I was at work on the last day of September when my contractions started. I worked a full 8 hours and then went home. My husband convinced me to go to the hospital a few hours later, but I was 7 cm dilated before I got an epidural. Talk about pain. Then I slept all night and the next day the epidural wore off and I went into active labor. I had that baby with basically no medication. That was the most pain I have ever felt, but Tyger was worth it.
14. I have no sense of smell.
15. As a child, I felt so out of place that I almost convinced myself that I was an alien.
16. I moved 7 times in 8 years, and I HATE moving.
17. When Tyger was a baby, strangers told me I should enter him in contests because he was so beautiful.
18. I worry a lot, and try to think of all possible outcomes in every situation and plan for them.
19. I used to have a close relationship with my brother and I miss it. I miss the long talks and playing video games and watching movies. I guess it's all part of growing up.
20. I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead.
21. My personality is like my dad's. We are both laid back and quiet. We have similar thought patterns and we get eachother's jokes.
22. I don't like wearing socks or shoes.
23. Sometimes I wish I had a vice like smoking because I get so stressed out.
24. I rarely like shopping. Sometimes I can enjoy grocery shopping or browsing for books, but that's about it.
25. It takes me three times longer than the average person to tie my shoes.
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