So . . . almost every day, I am told by random people variations on the theme that they would never do my job:
"Oh my God!!! I could NEVER do what you do!!!"
"That must be SOOO boring!"
"How do you keep doing your job every day? I wouldn't be able to stand it!"
Really? I want to tell ask them if they've ever been unemployed, or in some cases, if they've ever worked a day in their lives. Having worked several different jobs myself, I know how lucky I am to have this particular job in this particular time in my life.
However, about half of the times I've been confronted about my job, I really am doing something boring. This activity takes place after all major holidays and entails an hour or two of repetitive motion, sorting, and math skills.
The rest of the time, my job is okay. I like it because I can fit my hours around my daily life, and I am not constantly supervised. I also get to work at multiple locations and each one is a change, so it's not really that boring.
But here's my point: There comes a time when the average person needs to make money to pay bills. Not everybody is educated or skilled. I personally have worked in fast food, retail, warehouses, and door-to-door selling. There is nothing too low for me. I would be out panhandling if I had to. I don't understand people who say they couldn't ever do a job like mine when they haven't even tried it. Isn't it better than being on the streets?
So true, my love, so true!!