If if if if only . . .
If you had to identify the time or moment in your life when you felt the most free, when was it?
After my divorce was finalized . . . that same day, I went to get my ex's initials covered up on my back . . . ended up with a huge tribal butterfly tattoo. It was extremely painful and I hadn't eaten all day, but the pain fueled me that day. It was the biggest rush to be able to erase the visible marks the scumbag had left behind.
If you had to name the thing that most limits your freedom, what would it be?
My sense of responsibility. I know that I have freedom of choice, and I could conceivably drop everything in my life and drive away to start anew in another state. However, I am a responsible person, and I choose to be with my family.
If you could free yourself from one burden in life, what would it be?
Debt: student loans, medical bills, etc . . .
If you could have changed one thing about your mother's life, what would it be?
I would have made my older brother live. He died at 3 months old, before I was born, but I know it scarred my mother forever. She had no idea he would be born with serious medical problems, and she loved him so much- her first baby.
If you could take one free service in your home each day, what would you take?
Maid service- the complete housecleaning variety.
If you had to name the best and worst diets you've ever tried, which would win and which would lose?
The worst was the grapefruit diet- I was so hungry I don't think I made it 24 hours. The best was the Slimfast diet- the snack bars are tasty.
If you had to name the physical characteristic about yourself that most resembles your mother and the one that resembles your father, what would you pick?
Well, I think I look most like my mom, and I know I have her exact color of eyes. My dad- he's extremely hairy. Unfortunately, so am I.
If you had to nominate the best-dressed person you know, who would win?
My cousin Laura. I swear, she always looks good and put together, even when pregnant or sick.
If you had to select one movie sequel that was superior to the original, what would it be?
Evan Almighty- you have to see it to believe it.
If you could learn the total number of hours you have spent in your life doing one thing, what would it be?
I'd like to know how much time I've spent undergoing and recovering from surgery. It's gotta be a lot.
If you could have only one magazine subscription for life, which would you pick?
Mental Floss- no question about it. It's the most fascinating magazine I have ever read, by far.
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