My husband and I went to Branson for 2 days and nights this week. The last time I had a real vacation was when I was 17 and my whole family went to Disney World. That's 13 years ago. Yeah, I've had jobs since then that gave me paid time off for vacations, but I used all that time for various surgeries. If I'm taking time off from work, it's because something went medically wrong with me. My husband and I never had a honeymoon, so we considered this trip our delayed honeymoon. We had a good time together in Branson playing the typical tourists and getting along nicely.
So here's my case for vacations:
1) You are getting away from your regular life- making a complete break from daily chores and whatnot.
2) You are experiencing new things and relaxing.
3) You are adding new facets to your relationship with your partner- making memories.
4) You get to stay in a hotel at night and eat out every day.
Case for staycation:
1) You are staying in your own house where you are comfortable and near family.
2) You are saving a lot of money on gas and food and entertainment.
But here's the thing that bugs me: If you are staying home for your vacation days, you still have to keep up with the household chores. It's not really a vacation. Lying around your house every day and doing nothing promotes feelings of guilt and laziness. You end up figuring that you might as well tackle some big project around the house that you've been putting off- and that, my friends, is work.
So I say save up some money and go somewhere for your vacation. It doesn't matter where it is, as long as it's not close to home. Take a break and let yourself relax and have fun and not worry. The best scenario is to take a vacation every year, but many people cannot afford that. So go when you're able, but GO.
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