What has changed about growing up since my childhood?
I was born in 1983.
My first home was in a trailer in Newalla, OK. My mom let me run around outside stark naked. I know this because she took pictures!!!! I'm not ashamed and I've always thought it was funny. But now that I am a parent, I realize that toddlers don't run around naked outside anymore in American cities. Out in the country, sure. But not in neighborhoods. The public is more aware of pedophiles and kidnappings, and the average concerned parent today takes precautions to keep children safe. Here's the way I feel as a parent in today's society: I let my kids explore and experiment as much as possible, within limits. Kids have to figure things out for themselves. So I will let my boys play in a kiddie pool in my front yard- in full view of my neighbors or anyone passing by- as long as they have shorts on. My little brother and I played in kiddie pools naked back in the 1980s.
Here's something else: my kids have access to computers and the internet at home. They also have handheld game systems- and they are only 3 and 4 years old! My oldest son has completed preschool online and is now working on kindergarten lessons- all before the age of 5! He can navigate a computer, a cell phone, the TV, etc. My younger son isn't quite as advanced, but he can work anything with a touch screen!
And let's talk about food. With more moms having jobs these days (including me), the sit-down, home cooked family dinner is falling by the wayside. I grew up having family dinner with both my parents and my brother almost every night- I would say at least 5 days out of 7. Some families still manage this, but many more don't. Frozen and processed foods are being consumed more than ever.
Kids today are much fatter because of not getting balanced meals, in addition to being glued to their electronic gadgets. I remember climbing trees, riding my bike, and going to the lake as a kid. I got outside. I sincerely hope that my kids continue to like being outdoors. Right now, they play at parks and run around at my parent's house in the boonies, but who knows what the future holds?
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