Saturday, February 8, 2014

31 life lessons

31 Things I Have Learned in my 31 years

1.    Some people can look you right in the eye and lie to you.
2.    Walmart will literally hire anyone, and they don’t care.
3.    Democrats tend to be better-educated, well-read, and more charismatic than their counterparts. They are capable of thinking about the whole pie and not just their little slice.
4.    Most people never get to live their dream.
5.    Friends may come and go, but family is forever.
6.    Life is full of mistakes and disappointments; all you can do is make the best of it.
7.    Celebrities are in the minority.
8.    The janitor is just as important as the CEO.
9.    If something or someone makes you genuinely laugh, savor the moment.
10. Don’t let people make you feel shame for being who you are.
11.  College should be free so students can take random classes that interest them, and not just the ones necessary for whatever degree.  Also because student loan debt is a huge burden that brand-spanking-new college grads/adults should not be saddled with.
12.  Most people do not get a free ride through life.
13. Don’t take it for granted when you are healthy.  Enjoy the shit out of everything while you still can.
14. People are smart in different ways, so don’t call anyone stupid.
15. Cockroaches are horrible, nasty, disgusting creatures.
16. If you find yourself feeling happy for whatever reason, bottle that shit.
17. If you try to kill yourself but don’t actually die, then it wasn’t meant to be.
18. Having children is for the crazy.
19.  People will do whatever they want, regardless of promises, contracts, etc.
20. The most difficult thing in the world is to completely trust.
21.  Hoping and believing in luck is for fools- that’s why poor people stay poor.
22. Hard work and dedication is the only way to rise above your station in life.
23. Odds are, you’re never going to hit the jackpot, win the lottery, etc.
24. If you are a parent, savor those baby years.
25. Don’t gamble.
26. Don’t smoke or dip tobacco.
27. Go ahead and drink all you want- your liver’s gonna die before marijuana is ever legalized, and you’ve gotta have some vice.
28. If you’re feeling depressed, read a book.
29. If you are bored, waiting in line, tired of TV, etc.- read a book.
30. Pick books with happy endings.

31.  If you are going through a dry spell, read a trashy romance.

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